
DeKalb Chronicle A&E Featured Artist

Featured Artist, originally uploaded by pejnolan.

Last week I was interviewed by the DeKalb Chronicle and a few days later they provided a photographer for a photoshoot. It was fun showing them my studio and my techniques for printmaking.

Caitlin, the reporter, had to cancel our first appointment. She said there was a report of shots fired at University Village. I learned at our follow-up meeting that some kids had heard a car backfire and they assumed it was a gun. It is scary when that is the first thing people would assume in the "small-town America" known as DeKalb.

I was really unsure about what to say during an interview, but Caitlin made me feel comfortable and kept the conversation going. One thing I learned, thought, is I need to find other adjectives besides "very" and "really." I could also cut out extraneous phrases and the use of the word "got" - really, Erin? "got?" You are better than that.

During the photoshoot I asked the photographer, Rob, if he would Photoshop my photo to make me look better than I really am. He chuckled and gave me that, "ok, I don't know what you are talking about" uncomfortable look that I get so often. I see that look at feel like Doby in Harry Potter. "Bad Doby!" *Hits head repeatedly*

After he did his job, we were talking more about how to set up a business and how he wanted to be a stay at home dad and have a photography business. He was pretty cool guy to talk to.

You can read the full article here

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