
Commissioned Pen & Ink

Commissed Pen & Ink, originally uploaded by pejnolan.

Saturday, Sunday and Monday I did these pen and inks for a corporate commission. I'm very happy with the results, but saddened that one of my last Rapidiograph pens went kaput. It may come back to life with some cleaning, though.

Commissed Pen & Ink

Drawing marathons are fun despite the fact that I can't feel the tip of my thumb and my old college callous has returned. I carry those injuries proudly like they are war medals. It means I have done something well (and on time).

Commissed Pen & Ink

I haven't entered any shows for next year as of yet. I've been lazy in that area and need to get back into it. The "Year of the Rabbit" show and exchange is coming up. I've been researching different types and positions of rabbits and hope to enter this one. Last year for "Year of the Tiger" I didn't get my act together. Rabbits seem more natural to me though. I don't generally see real tigers living in the rural Midwest, rabbits are more plentiful out this way.

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