
Is doing your passion work?

Above: key block for Winter Cardinal. I have to carve the red block, then I'll make a proof.
I went back to an early post where I made my very first block print. That was just April of 2008. I look where I have been since then. It has been a whirlwind. I am joyful and blessed that I have the opportunity to do what I feel so passionate about. But with having some measure of success, I am finding that I need to allow myself to say "no" a little bit more often. I'd really rather spend time with my family. I'd really rather do work that I initiate. I'd really rather have time just to "be" and not always "do." I need to set my priorities and reevaluate my goals. Where do I want my artwork to take me? What do I need vs what do I want and more importantly, what does God want of me? Do I want to lean towards commercial art and hire a licensing rep or do I want to try to find a gallery to promote my work? Would it be better to push forward and start an official business or would I be better to scale back and just do it for fun? The decision is more difficult that one might think.

I've been taking fewer walks simply because I do not have the time. What the heck?!? That is what my work is about - taking the time to notice the details of nature and listening to the messages it is trying to tell me.

I will finish all the projects I have in front of me. Then, beginning with Christmas, things will slow down again and I'll have a moment to ponder these things more clearly. In the meantime, I'm having a great deal of fun. Thank goodness I have a husband who only minds SOME of the time...


starkeyart said...
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starkeyart said...

oops..I accidentally deleted this trying to edit it! Anyway, I pulled my first print somewhere between the last week of April and the first week of May in 2008. Kind of funny. I think we both tried wood for the first time within a couple of weeks as well.

Yesterday wrapped up a whirlwind of activity for me. I delivered about 3 dozen matted prints as well as 5 framed AND a submission to a juried show to a great gallery (Dayton Visual Arts Center) that will be selling them in November and December. I feel like I know exactly what you you must have been going through preparing for your Bliss Beads show.

October has been a month of crazy, non-stop activity. Trying to decide which prints were good enough, trying to squeeze in just a couple more new prints, reprinting older blocks all while trying to balance a demanding full time job and two middle school kids in sports got to be a little overwhelming by the end of the week. Finally, yesterday afternoon I could relax, but found out I was still in GO mode. I couldn't believe how high strung I had become.

But then I was treated to my favorite sky. Dark bluish gray clouds with late afternoon light shining in spots on orange and golden leaves. I think I may have even shed a tear as I sat outside enjoying it. And today is better. Tomorrow, I get your prints in the mail. Next week, I reevaluate.

Unknown said...

I had to read and reread your post. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am glad to hear that someone else is going through the same challenges I am. Although I am sorry to hear of your challenges. Commraderie is a wonderful thing.

The work makes me so happy while I'm doing it. I actually thrive - albeight grumpy (or as I like to say "focused") - under deadlines. I am recognizing what am giving up in order to be able to have this type of output. My family is giving up a lot, too. That is the hard part. I asked for this, they didn't.

No wonder there was a system of artist and patron in the middle ages! Wouldn't it be nice not to have to earn a living with a steady income that a full-time day job provides?

Congratulations on your work with the Dayton Visual Arts Center! Let me know if your piece wins an award - I have no doubt that it will be accepted!

starkeyart said...

I agree...It is nice to know that you are not alone! I stuck a long letter replying in with your prints (I go on and on when I start writing), and a couple of extra prints. Hope you like them.

Unknown said...

Oooh! I can't wait. Thank you!